Skin conditions

Why is it measured?

Skin diseases in the pig can be broadly divided into two categories, specific infections or conditions that only infect the skin and those that are signs of more generalised disease. The most common forms of skin conditions are greasy pig disease, mange, necrosis, vesicular diseases and sunburn. The first four diseases have a significant impact on the pig’s health and welfare and cause poor growth. Sunburn can be painful and cause irritation of the skin in outdoor pigs that do not have access to adequate shade and wallowing during summer months. Cracked and abraded skin may provide a route for infection.

How to assess and score using the AssureWel measure

 Skin conditions (dry sows and finishing pigs)                                                                                  Individual measure
 Observation: Stand near the animal and visually assess one side only. This can be done from outside the pen if visibility is adequate. Assess the total amount of the body affected in relation to the rest of the body.

0 None               =
1 Mild                =
2 Severe             =

No evidence of skin inflammation or discoloration;
More than zero but less than 10% of the skin is inflamed, discoloured or spotted;
More than 10% of the skin has an abnormal colour or texture.
 Record if too dirty to assess.
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