Contact us

Dr David Main
The Animal Welfare and Behaviour Group, part of the University of Bristol’s School of Veterinary Science, is a centre of excellence in animal welfare science. It has a strong focus on innovation, implementing research findings and seeking real world solutions. It has played a major role in developing and promoting the welfare outcomes concept.

Sophie Elwes
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) was established in 1824 and is the leading animal welfare charity. The Society is concerned with all animals, including farm animals, and has a team of farm animal scientists who, in addition to promoting improvement in farm animal welfare through advice provision and advocacy, develop detailed animal welfare standards for the main farm animal species. The standards are used by the Society’s farm assurance and food labelling scheme, Freedom Food, which is solely dedicated to improving farm animal welfare.

Kate Still
Founded in 1946 the Soil Association is the UK’s leading organic organisation. As an educational charity it acts to increase awareness of organic food and farming and campaigns to improve animal welfare and our environment. Its organic standards are enforced by its certification subsidiary, Soil Association Certification Ltd. Animal welfare is a central organic principle and the organisation drives improvement through education, advice, project involvement and its pioneering organic standards.

Kate Still
For any queries about producer advice and support, including individual producer support, information about events or training opportunities, or AssureWel Consultancy contact Kate Still.