
Why is it measured?

Mortality includes pigs that have died and those that have been culled prematurely on welfare grounds due to chronic injury or disease. High levels of mortality and culling rates within a herd may suggest suboptimal management, inadequate environmental conditions or disease challenge, amongst others. In sows, the major contributors to culling include lameness and poor reproductive performance. Other risk factors include those associated with particular production systems (i.e. indoor or outdoor systems), floor type and litter size. Good stockmanship, husbandry, housing, nutrition, health and welfare planning and regular monitoring and early detection of pigs in need of further care can minimise the number of pig deaths.

How to assess and score using the AssureWel measure

 Mortality (dry sows)                                                                                                                                              Records


Percentage mortality (died but not actively culled) on farm in the last 12 months. 
Percentage culls in the last 12 months. 
Record causes of mortality.

 Mortality (finishing pigs)                                                                                                                                           Records
Record:       Percentage mortality (died but not actively culled) on farm in the last 12 months or for the last batch
Record causes of mortality.
 For batch figures, please record start and finish dates and pig weights, and starting age.
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