Hospital pen

Why is it measured?

A sick or injured pig has compromised welfare and best practice is to alleviate suffering when necessary through euthanasia or treatment in a dry, comfortably bedded hospital pen following consultation with a veterinary surgeon. Pigs which may benefit from being in a hospital pen include those who are sick, injured or lame and are unable to compete for resources, those being bullied/ tail bitten or that would benefit from access to bedding that is more comfortable than that available in the pen. Legislation states that ‘where necessary, any sick or injured pigs shall be temporarily isolated in suitable accommodation with dry comfortable bedding’. A high prevalence of pigs housed in hospital pens may indicate a disease problem.

How to assess and score using the AssureWel measure

Hospital Pens (dry sows and finishing pigs)                                                                                       Pen measure



Look at all finishers/sows in the hospital pens

Record the number of finishers in the hospital pens according to reason for hospitalisation: Tail-biting; Lameness; Body Wounds; Skin Conditions; Other (please specify details, e.g. severe traumatic injuries, and number of pigs affected).


Record the number of sows in the hospital pens according to reason for hospitalisation: Lameness; Thin sows; Body Wounds; Skin Condition; Shoulder lesions; Vulva lesions; Leg swellings; Other (please specify details, e.g. severe traumatic injuries, and number of pigs affected)

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